Who, What, How:
We think inside the box as well as outside the box...
Smart shipping starts with protecting the product you place inside the box with the right packaging materials. Use of proper void fill and protection products such as packing peanuts, bubble wrap, foam, air pillows or paper can ensure that your product reaches your customers in prime condition. Preparation of the outside package also plays a key role in successful shipping. Pallet protection and securing your product by using the latest in high quality stretch film products, corner protection, steel banding or poly strapping is essential. X-Pac will provide the knowledge needed to keep your customers happy.
With so many variations in shipping materials, what should you use when?
Void Fill, Protective Packaging, Carton Sealing and Palletizing Product all work in conjunction with each other. X-Pac has the knowledge to help you make the right decisions for your packaging needs. Let us match the proper protection to the products you ship, utilizing the latest innovations in shipping materials that are environmentally friendly, time saving and cost effective. We would love to demonstrate the different packaging machinery that is available to help automate and simplify tasks to speed up the process of getting your product out the door.
By shipping smart you will realize bottom line savings...
There is a right way to ship and there is a better way to ship. Avoid waste and added weight to your shipments by using the right product in the proper way. Proper shipping material selection can reduce the cost associated with shipping damages.
X-Pac is continuously on the look-out for new packaging commodities to offer to its customers.
Corrugated Products:
Stock Boxes, Corrugated Pads, Mailers, Single Face Corrugated.

Poly Products:
Poly Bags, Zip-Loc Bags, Poly Tubing.

Carton Sealing:
Pressure Sensitive Tapes, Paper Tapes, Masking Tape, Filament Tape, Duct Tape, Staples.

Protective Pkg./Void Fill:
Bubble Wrap, Foam Products, Packing Peanuts, Bubble Mailers, Air Pillows, Kraft Paper.

Pallet Protection Products:
Stretch Film, Poly Strapping, Steel Banding, Edge Protection.

Void Fill Equipment:
Kraft Paper Dunnage Equipment, Air Pillow Machines, Bubble On Demand Equipment.